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Workplace and Health & Safety

The Ramp Factory

2023 in Review - The Ramp Factory

2023 was a busy year for The Ramp Factory! From moving to a larger warehouse to launching new products, we have been hard at work to continue providing you with ramp solutions for all your needs! Below we have captured some of our best moments! New Warehouse After outgrowing our warehouse in Esher, Surrey, we moved to a new warehouse in leafy ...
Accessibility & Disability
Event Wheelchair Friendly with a multifold wheelchair ramp

Make Your Event Wheelchair Friendly

With 2024 fast approaching, you may be considering how to make your event wheelchair friendly - or any subsequent event - disability-friendly or wheelchair-friendly. The Ramp Factory offers a wide range of ramps, and cable protectors that protect pedestrians and, of course, cables and equipment from damage. Perfect for any event! In addition, we ...
Accessibility & Disability
Modular wheelchair ramp

Step by step guide to Modular Ramps

Made in Europe, our range of steel and aluminium semi-permanent wheelchair ramps are perfect for mobility scooters, wheelchairs and walkers. These modular ramps are available in galvanised steel and aluminium and can be customised to meet your requirements, for example, to include handrails, steps and additional turning ...
Wheelchair Ramps
make your home wheelchair friendly

Make your home wheelchair friendly

The Ramp Factory understand the importance of being able to make your home wheelchair friendly as quickly and economically as possible. We offer a range of ramps to fit any accessibility needs. The Ramp Factory's ramps are made of sturdy materials and are designed to last. Our team of experts are on hand to provide advice and guidance on the best ...
Wheelchair Ramps
wheelchair ramp

Ramp Safety

All our products are designed and built with ramp safety in mind. This includes using slip-resistant materials and making sure ramps are wide and stable enough to support users' weight. The purchaser is responsible for ensuring the ramps they purchase are appropriate not only for their needs, but also to the specifications we specify on our website ...
Workplace and Health & Safety
DDA Compliance and The Equalities Act

DDA Compliance and The Equality Act

The DDA stands for The Disability Discrimination Act which covers disabled access into buildings from 2005 onwards. This was replaced 5 years later in 2010 by the Equalities Act 2010, however, a lot of people still refer to the old DDA! Technically The Disability Discrimination Act is no longer relevant and can actually be extremely misleading and ...
Accessibility & Disability
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